How The Rest Of The Paint Is Harmless And Dispose Of It Properly
Some types of paint are considered hazardous waste so they require proper and safe disposal. These types can contain heavy metal (or extra harmful ingredients), they can be flammable and are not suitable for use again after long storage. Also some water based paints such as varnishes, stains, sealers etc. may contain hazardous ingredients such as mercury and so therefore are classified as chemical waste. Residential Paint Disposal is very necessary for our good health and environment. Paint Disposal Services The use of heavy metals in paint has raised concerns due to their toxicity at high levels of exposure and since they build up in the food chain. Another injurious material that can be found in paints is lead. Lead is normally added to aid speed drying, boost durability, retain a fresh appearance, and resist moisture that causes oxidization. Paint with important lead content is still used in industry and by the military. For example, leaded paint ...